U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow’s record puts innocent lives in jeopardy. Below are examples of how her voting record fails to live up the important standard that every human life has value and deserves legal protection. Click on each link to learn more about her record.
PARENTAL CONSENT – Stabenow voted against legislation requiring minor children to receive parental consent before having abortions. She has voted to allow children to be smuggled over state lines to avoid parental consent laws.
PLANNED PARENTHOOD – Stabenow voted against efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, and even voted to give them $1 billion in additional taxpayer funds simply because they perform abortions.
FREE SPEECH – Stabenow voted to rescind portions of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, potentially criminalizing educational posts just like this.
ABORTION ON DEMAND – Stabenow voted in favor of partial-birth abortions and believes abortion should be legal throughout pregnancy, even during the process of birth.
DOCTOR-PRESCRIBED SUICIDE – Stabenow voted to allow doctor-prescribed suicide in Michigan as Jack Kevorkian was traveling around the state euthanizing people with the eventual goal of performing live experiments on dying patients.
CONSCIENCE RIGHTS – Stabenow voted to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for abortion-inducing drugs against their will, and voted to force people to purchase insurance plans that cover abortions.
TAX-FUNDED ABORTIONS – Stabenow voted to force prolife people to fund elective abortions with their tax dollars.
FUNDING ABORTION OVERSEAS – Stabenow voted to fund organizations that provide and promote abortions overseas, inclduing organizations engaged in coercive population control programs.