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March for Life 2018

120 students & 25 adults made Southern Downriver Right to Life’s “Red eye” overnight  trip on three luxury bus coaches to the 2018 March for Life in Washington D.C.  which was help on January 19.  The students were able to listen to many Pro-Life Speakers including President Donald Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan on… Read More »March for Life 2018

An end to US aid for abortions overseas?

Did you know that the United States currently sends money overseas to promote abortions and abortion-related services? President Ronald Reagan wanted to prevent US tax dollars to be given to other countries for promoting abortion. In 1984 he created the Mexico City Policy, which required all foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive federal funding to refrain from performing or promoting… Read More »An end to US aid for abortions overseas?

Dispelling the myth: abortion side effects and the new JAMA study

Abortion is procedure that can cause some major side effects, substantially contributing to women’s mental health problems (and physical health problems as well). But unfortunately the media tries to divert the truth and push stories that neglect to talk about women’s health and safety. Over the years there have been conflicting studies brought forth on whether or not there is… Read More »Dispelling the myth: abortion side effects and the new JAMA study

Abortions down 5% nationally in latest CDC report

Encouraging news came the day after Thanksgiving: the Centers for Disease Control released their annual report on abortion numbers, showing a 5% decrease. The numbers come from state abortion reports. Before getting into the details, it’s important to note that three states refuse to collect and report abortion statistics: California, Maryland, and New Hampshire. While the overall abortion numbers are… Read More »Abortions down 5% nationally in latest CDC report

Michigan Legislature passes bills to ban fetal tissue trafficking

On December 14, the Michigan House passed SB 546 and 565 with a vote of 69-37 and 68-39. These bills received support from several members of the Democratic House Caucus who usually are solid pro-abortion votes. These bills are now headed to the desk of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, where he is expected to sign them. SB 564 will prohibit… Read More »Michigan Legislature passes bills to ban fetal tissue trafficking

Supreme Court decision a win for the Little Sisters of the Poor, Right to Life of Michigan

On May 16 the U.S. Supreme Court reached an 8-0 decision in Zubik v. Burwell. Several organizations are suing the Obama Administration over the Department of Health and Human Service’s contraceptive mandate. The most notable organization represented inZubik was the Catholic religious order Little Sisters of the Poor. The decision was described in many media reports as a “punt,” since… Read More »Supreme Court decision a win for the Little Sisters of the Poor, Right to Life of Michigan